Styropek Services in Mexico

nuevos productos

Thermal Insulation Materials Laboratory

Historical background

The Thermal Insulation Materials laboratory was accredited for the first time under the NMX-EC-IMNC (ISO / IEC17025) standard since 2003 at Polioles Lerma, in the State of Mexico, and in early 2019 it moved to the Styropek Altamira facilities, in Tamaulipas; thus continuing with the commitment to offer quality services and customer service.

This laboratory was the first nationwide to achieve accreditation under the NOM-018-ENER-2011 standard, and currently also provides analysis services under the NMX-C-463-ONNCCE-2010 and NMX-C-137-ONNCCE- 2010.


The laboratory places the testing services at your service under the following normative references:

Property Testing method
Apparent density NMX-C-125-ONNCCE-2010 NMX-C-126-ONNCCE-2010
Thermal conductivity NMX-C-181-ONNCCE-2010
Water vapor transmission rate NMX-C-210-ONNCCE-2013
Moisture adsorption and water absorption NMX-C-228-ONNCCE-2013
Property Testing method
Flexural strength Numeral 8.2
Compressive strength Numeral 8.3
Self-extinguishing Numeral 8.6
Property Testing method
Dimensions Numeral 8.1
Volumetric weight (bulk density) Numeral 8.2
Shear and bending resistance Numeral 8.3
Self-extinguishing Numeral 8.4


Accreditation as a testing laboratory

The federal government, through the Secretary of Energy, grants powers to Entidad Mexicana de Acreditación, A.C. To guarantee the technical competence of our laboratory in the tests established in NOM-018-ENER-2011, in this way the results reports are recognized by the certifying bodies of thermal insulation materials.

Service processes

Diagram of the testing service process offered by accredited laboratories


Contacts of the Laboratory of Thermal Insulation Materials:

Ing. Ángel Núñez

(Representative and Authorized Signatory)

Tel.: (833) 500 2400; Ext. 3963

Ing. Edwin Jasso

(Signatory of the Laboratory of Thermal Insulation Materials)

Tel.: (833) 500 2400; Ext. 3963